LVIA can stand for either Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment, or Landscape and Visual Impact Appraisal.

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Most LVIAs start at £2,000 plus VAT and for the majority of sites this figure is what you would expect to be quoted. For large, complex sites with multiple viewpoints then clearly these fees may be higher but equally, you may have a small, simple site with a low number of viewpoints and the fees would be at the lower end of the scale.

Note; OS mapping and landform data is required for us to include within reporting and to use within the zone of Theoretical Visibility modelling. These will be charged for separately which, depending on site size can be £100 – £300 plus VAT.

Landscape Statements – a simple, cheaper and quicker alternative!

On sites where you need some form of assessment relating to landscape and visual issues but the site is simple, small or the impacts are expected to be minimal then you may consider a landscape statement. Starting from £1,000 plus VAT, these are quicker in their production and perfect for that easy win at validation!


Ideally we like 20-30 days for completion of an LVIA but we also recognise that sometimes project timescales don’t allow for that long. We’ll always do our best, and where capacity allows then if we can turn around work quicker then we will. The important bit of information for us is when do you plan to submit for planning, as that should ultimately be what dictates the programme.

If you would like further information, to discuss what you think you might need, to ask if we can work quickly for you or just for a bit of advice, please get in touch and we’ll be happy to help!

What is an LVIA?

LVIA can stand for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment or Landscape and Visual Impact Appraisal. Assessments are be submitted as a chapter of an Environmental Statement for sites where an EIA is required; whereas an Appraisal is a standalone report, typically accompanying a planning application. These reports cover the effects of the proposed development on the landscape character of the site and the local area, as well as its effects on visual amenity – i.e., where can the site be seen from in the local area, and how will these views change on construction/operation of the proposed development. A well-prepared LVIA identifies the potential effects to receptors; allowing mitigation to be prepared to reduce negative effects on the local landscape character and visual amenity.

Brindle and Green have experience in preparing professional reports for developments ranging from small-scale individual properties to larger multi-phase residential and industrial development. Each report is detailed; following the industry standard ‘Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (3rd edition)’ from the Landscape Institute and IEMA, and other relevant guidance. We have undertaken LVIAs in a range of locations and settings, including within and adjacent to designated areas such as Areas of Outstanding Beauty and National Parks. Our friendly and helpful landscape team can also advise you on mitigation including producing landscape designs to reduce and prevent potential impacts.

Case Studies

Cowbridge, Wales

A constraints plan, landscape and visual impact appraisal and a hard and soft landscape plan for a site in Cowbridge, South Wales
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Island View, Wormshill

Read Case Study

Broad Street, Clifton

Read Case Study