Woodland Management Plan

Woodland’s are valuable natural assets within the landscape, contributing to biodiversity, ecosystem services, sustainable wood products and recreation. However, many woodlands are in a state of decline, and in many cases are not managed appropriately, if at all.

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Most WMPs start £3,000.00 + VAT, though the figure may differ depending on the size and complexity of the woodland type.

Note; while a topographical survey is preferably used for the woodland survey, an OS map can be purchased if a topo is not available. This will be charged separately, with the price dependent on the size of the woodland.


We would ideally like 25-30 days for completion of a WMP, but we also recognise that project timescales often don’t allow for that long. We will always try accommodate flexibility in our deadlines  if we have the capacity to do so.

Your long-term aspirations for  woodland within your ownership can be captured within a Woodland Management Plan (WMP), which is a document that provides a minimum 10-year framework of management operations to help secure the woodlands future. It may be needed as part of a planning application, to apply for a Countryside Stewardship grant, or simply because you care about your woodland’s condition and want to get the best from it in terms of productivity, ecological, or amenity value.

What is a WMP?

What is it about your woodland that is important to you?

Whatever your long-term vision is for your woodland, Brindle & Green can help you actualise it. A tailored WMP can enhance the condition of your woodland, create new habitats, improve the woodland for biodiversity, increase recreational enjoyment and secure the functionality of the woodland in the wider landscape.

The most effective WMPs are those which are targeted to balance your objectives for the woodland with the preservation of habitat quality.  We will begin with a discussion centered around your vision for the woodland, and will carry out a woodland survey. Following on from this, we’ll produce a woodland map, with the woodland divided into compartments based upon the structure, features and management objectives. If your woodland is small, even-aged and predominated by young trees there may be relatively few compartments, whereas a structurally complex woodland with a mixture of habitat types or ancient woodland will be divided into many different management areas. Objectives may include the removal of invasive species, tree felling or thinning, ride creation, new planting, veteran tree management and habitat creation.

We benefit from close collaborative working with our colleagues in Ecology, Landscape and Heritage, who can also input into the WMP as necessary and have a team of environmental contractors who can put the plan into practice. Crucially, the WMP will contain a specification of management operations and monitoring strategies that will fulfill the targeted woodland objectives.