Heritage Statement

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Timescales: 3-4 weeks
This report comprises the first step in the archaeological process for a planning application and can also be combined with a heritage statement if required.

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What is a Heritage Statement?

Also known as a Heritage Impact Assessment, this report identifies any Designated Heritage Assets (Scheduled Monuments, Listed Buildings etc.) surrounding a development, assesses how the significance of these assets is derived, and assesses the impacts of a proposal on this significance. The significance of a heritage assets can also drive from its setting within the surrounding environment, therefore the assessment will also consider how a development will sit in the environment any potential impacts to the setting of the area. Should impacts be perceived, recommendations for mitigation will be set out.

A site visit will be undertaken to ascertain the current setting of the area surrounding the site.

Case Studies

High Street, Sutton

Read Case Study

Stoke Golding, Leicestershire

Read Case Study

Vines Lane, Droitwich

Read Case Study